So, the current status of our project is... complete! I'll divide this post up into what worked and what didn't.
What Worked:
- Java runs on our cRIO. This is Java in the J2ME sense. We support the same things Squawk supports on other platforms, except possibly networking.
- Brad Miller from WPI was kind enough to loan us a demo robot, which we can control from Java. This gave us a great end to our presentation, when we drove the robot around in real time with a stuffed Duke. To quote Paul on this one: "I, for one, welcome our new Java-robot overlords." Despite being a popular internet thing, it was still pretty funny.
What Didn't Work:
- Debugging. You can debug with System.out.println(). Or, you can make the networking things compile, and it might just work.
- The serial port. If you're writing code that cares about the serial port, you are clearly capable of writing C++ code. Use the existing C++ class, or write a Java wrapper and share.
So that concludes the hard part of our project. Now we get to write a report.